Without activating the x-ray beam. The diagnoses should be based on clinical presentation an appropriate objective assessment which includes inspections palpitation and relevant imaging tests such as MRI CT scan and X-ray. Sacrum And Coccyx Lateral View Radiology Reference Article Radiopaedia Org In humans walking upright or bipedally is the most common method of locomotion. . A marker annotating horizontal beam decubitus should always be present with the side of interest clearly labeled. A total of ten imaging procedures may be simulated. Anterior is towards the front of the body Latin. Terminology Basic terms of relations. Nutation also causes the deep perineal muslces to tighten. Imaging procedures eligible for simulation are noted within the chart see section 422. Body positioning and alignment is significant for producing less stress in the coccyx region. 100 - 125 kVp. Nutation causes the pelvic wall